Daily Archives: June 9, 2008

Beware the Media Tags

Contrary to the assertions of the media, the presidential race is not “down to two.” Bob Barr, Libertarian candidate for president, should not be ignored. Barr has name recognition from ten years back, leading the charge against President Clinton. 

More important than Barr himself is the existence of a libertarian party which offers a true alternative to the homogenous democrat and republican party. The actual differences between the two parties are miniscule. Find a party that reflects YOUR views not the views and opinions offered by media or the bland, benign big two parties.

Think for yourselves. Don’t be lead by the media, whatever their leanings. Research…question….choose for yourself.


Filed under 2008 Election, Media, News, Politics

Really? A controversy?

Jim Johnson, Barack Obama’s advisor leading the search for a vice presidential running mate, has been outed as a beneficiary of favorable loans from Countrywide Home Loans. This revelation follows months of Barack Obama making scathing speeches accusing Countrywide of creating the mortgage loan crisis.

According to FoxNews, this issue is a major controversy. Really? Barack Obama gave free ad space to Countrywide (P.T. Barnum, I think, said something about any publicity being good publicity…) and an advisor of his used a friendship to benefit himself and his housing issues. This sounds like “much ado about nothing.”

The controversy should be that Obama provided free advertising for a company from which his buddy and campaign associate received a benefit. Wasn’t it the mortgage loans that got the Clintons and McDougals got in trouble with Whitewater?

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Filed under 2008 Election, Media, News, Politics