Daily Archives: June 21, 2011

Sensationalism, Why?

Dear Media,

Please stop showing ME the pictures on the cigarette boxes. I don’t smoke. I don’t need to see them. I distinctly recall my grandfather with his oxygen tank working to breathe. Thank you emphysema.

Why do you persist in grossing out those of us who haven’t spent an arm and a leg on cancer sticks? Yes, the images are disgusting. But the images are not meant for me. So STOP it.

Thank you.

Salmon and Grits

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Climate Change doesn’t Change Human Behavior

A friend posted an NPR report that 97% of scientists agree that humans are causing climate change but the non-invested humans disagree with the science. She wanted to know why.

1.) Inconsistency of “science.” Scientists tell us coffee is bad for us one day, coffee is good for us the next week. The same with wine, with prescription medications, etc. They tell us to eat more vegetables and fruits but then warn us of the pesticides in fruits and vegetables. How are we to believe anything when science contradicts itself on a daily basis? Why should we believe?

2.) Sales. The sales pitch is all wrong. Scientists can’t talk “regular human speak.”

3.) In case you haven’t noticed, we live in a society in which each individual is focused solely and exclusively on what’s best for “ME.” We consume not because we really need things or because we have some primal draw to them but because we have NO impulse control. If we can’t stop people from overeating, drinking to excess, indulging in illegal drugs, and sending idiotic text messages of body parts, how in the hell does anyone think the population will join as a community to make decisions to benefit someone beyond their household, beyond their own skin? (Open to suggestions).

4.) Celebrity endorsements. “Do as I say not as I do” won’t work. When celebrities or politicians take up the cause to reduce the human’s carbon footprint, generally those spokespeople continue to use their carbon devouring products at a much higher level than regular folks. Making regular people who don’t jet around the world or travel in caravans of SUVs cynical about the celebrity endorsements.

Change? Living life in a manner consistent with the beliefs you express. Showing people how it works, how easy it is to compost. The benefits of recycling, like a cheaper garbage collection bill because there’s less trash. Teach by example. Isn’t that how we teach children? Oh, wait, that’s another rant!

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Short-term Answer for Health Insurance Concern?

James Verone needed health insurance. His answer? Rob a bank! Yes, indeed. He attempted to rob a bank of $1 in order to get health care for the next 3 years. Notably he didn’t have a weapon.

What happens in 3 years, you might ask? He’ll be eligible for medicare and could apply for social security. What a system we have! The joke is on him though he probably won’t get what he seeking as far as jail time.

Although, he could violate probation and receive more time. Hmm! Prison medical care versus no medical: What do you think?

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Change Your Food Attitude

As I sat watching the BBC news this morning and reading news updates, I was struck by the lack of planning and thought we Americans put into our eating choices. The LA Times features an op-ed on Michelle Obama’s common sense approach to childhood obesity. God bless her! She is absolutely right.

Should there be a sin tax on junk food as suggested by the opinionator? No. I would suggest what Georgia has though, reduced tax on most non-processed foods. Foods that have be prepared along with the list of foods covered by food stamps, those foods are taxed at a lower rate. Talk about saving money at the grocery store!

I finished reading about the First Lady’s program as an ad for Prevattack or one of those anti-stomach acid pills appeared showing a woman drinking her coffee, eating a burrito at her desk, and then suffering heartburn.

Why is this ad troubling? Marketers have identified and targeted two of our major weaknesses, lack of planning and lack of self-awareness. If the character in the add, presumably an “every man or woman” character, had planned ahead or at least considered the DIRECT effects of what she was putting into her body, she would not need to spend the extra money on the pills to resolve her problem, she would not feel like crap while at work and, generally, she might enjoy life more.

Here’s my pitch, pay attention to your body.

Yes, I eat pizza and potato skins and pretty much anything gluten free (and refined sugar free) that smells good unless my body tells me not to. I have to take one of these silly pills every morning for a stomach condition the result of generally treating my body poorly for 34 years and maybe some genetics. I stopped eating the foods that caused me the most problems, the foods that kept me up at night. If I find one, I make a note to stop eating it or eating at different point during the day. If I choose to eat the food, I am aware of the resulting impact on my body and my day.

A pill will not solve your problems. A doctor cannot prescribe your bad choices away. You must choose between taking care of yourself by being aware of what you put into your body and the seemingly indulgent pleasure followed by pain, suffering or at least increase weight/cholesterol/blood pressure.

No magic pill can fix that.


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